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How to Protect Countertops During Renovation and Construction

When starting a construction, renovation, or home improvement project, there are steps to follow before you begin work. You need to take measurements, order materials, and gather tools. You might have a mental checklist of everything you need to do to prepare the space. Before you even start thinking about all that needs to be done during the job, you should be thinking about what you need to do to protect the surfaces before work gets started. Temporary products for floor and countertop protection can literally save the day during kitchen renovations and construction. 

Why is countertop protection important? 

Surfaces like floors and countertops are especially susceptible to damage during construction and renovation jobs. Assuming that a crew of people will be in and out of the space – tracking in mud and dirt and carrying bulky equipment – it’s important to ensure that finished surfaces are protected. Countertop protection might not be top of mind when compared to protecting high-traffic areas like floors and stairs, but repairing or replacing damaged countertops can quickly become expensive and set you back on your timeline. 

4 ways you can protect countertops during construction 

We’ve put together a list of four different ways you can protect countertops from accidental drops or spills. Before you install any type of countertop protection, make sure to thoroughly clean the surface to reduce the risk of scratches or other damage. 

1. Use cardboard to protect your counters 

This is a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to protect counters. Cut some scrap cardboard to size and tape it into place with a low-tack adhesive. The only downside to cardboard is that it does break down easily in wet or humid environments. It’s best to only use it during quick projects that don’t involve the potential for things like paint spills. 

2. Protect floors and counters in one with floor protection board 

Don’t be confused by the name. Floor protection board (such as Builder Board) can be used to protect countertops as well as floors. Trim it to size and tape it down with a low tack adhesive that won’t leave residue. The benefit of using temporary surface protection compared to cardboard is that it is resistant to spills and leaks. Plus, it’s breathable, so surfaces like butcher block counters can breathe. 

a contractor in a kitchen with floors, countertops, and appliances protection by temporary floor protection

1. Use cardboard to protect your counters 

This is a quick, easy, and cost-effective way to protect counters. Cut some scrap cardboard to size and tape it into place with a low-tack adhesive. The only downside to cardboard is that it does break down easily in wet or humid environments. It’s best to only use it during quick projects that don’t involve the potential for things like paint spills. 

2. Protect floors and counters in one with floor protection board 

Don’t be confused by the name. Floor protection board (such as Builder Board) can be used to protect countertops as well as floors. Trim it to size and tape it down with a low tack adhesive that won’t leave residue. The benefit of using temporary surface protection compared to cardboard is that it is resistant to spills and leaks. Plus, it’s breathable, so surfaces like butcher block counters can breathe. 

a contractor in a kitchen with floors, countertops, and appliances protection by temporary floor protection

 3. Use a drapable drop cloth to cover a kitchen island 

Drapable drop cloths are a great way to protect kitchen islands from dust, debris, and paint. Drop cloths are durable and resistant to leaks. Products like Trimaco’s Stay Put Vinyl Drop Cloth are resistant to slipping and cling to the surface, so you don’t have to worry about adjusting them during the job. 

4. Apply a countertop protection film for liquid holdout 

Self-adhesive film, such as Marble Shield, is easy to apply and shields countertop surfaces from dust, debris, and spills. This self-adhesive film is especially useful if you have marble, granite, or other natural stone countertops that can absorb liquid. 

Protect the whole jobsite with Surface Shields 

Whether you’re protecting hardwood floors, in the market for heavy-duty stair protection, or are looking for innovative ways to protect other surfaces in a home, office, or other professional space, Surface Shields has you covered. Visit our full line of surface protection products and contact us with any questions. 


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